HCBS Gather for Change Learning and Advocacy Team

The HCBS Gather for Change Learning and Advocacy Team has provided opportunities to develop advocacy and team-building skills including ways to talk with policy makers about Home and Community Based Services, to:

  • People with lived disability experience
  • Self-advocates with an intellectual or developmental disability or Autism
  • Pennsylvania residents with a disability who use waiver services to live the life they want to live
  • People who enjoy teamwork and learning new advocacy skills
  • People interested in talking to policy makers about why HCBS is important
On a city sidewalk next to a planter filled with fresh soil, a Black woman using a wheelchair and a white woman wearing a suit chat, among other small groups

Gather for Change Resource Toolkit

Articles and Documents

Resources: Articles and Documents

Articles and Documents

HCBS Websites

Resources: HCBS Websites

Administration for Community Living

Autistic Self-Advocacy Network (ASAN)

Council on Quality and Leadership

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)

Pennsylvania Department of Human Services

HCBS Advocacy Coalition

Institute on Disabilities


PEAL Center

Pennsylvania Health Law Project



For more information, email .

Project Funding

This project is funded by the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council.