Families Reimagining Inclusive Lives (FRIL) works to educate, inform, and empower parents of young children with intellectual and developmental disabilities to embrace inclusive options and give them practical tools to achieve inclusive lives.  

The goal is to encourage families to understand benefits of selecting inclusive options for recreation, education, and living and on their rights to access these inclusive options, rather than assuming that a segregated setting is the best or only option.

FRIL Virtual Kickoff

On Wednesday July 17, 2024, we'll gather on Zoom to discuss what our virtual community can look like.

Register for the Virtual Kickoff

Training Sessions

FRIL will offer three, virtual training sessions to help family members to become advocates and partners. The FRIL staff include people with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities who have come through the systems of education and care.

Family members can apply to take the FRIL training sessions by completing this form.

FRIL Description in Spanish


Family Trainers

Family members will be selected and trained to present the FRIL sessions.


FRIL Advisory Committee

The FRIL Advisory Committee sets the goals and objectives of the FRIL program. All committee meetings will be virtual.

The advisory committee is comprised of people who are:

  • a parent of a child with a disability between ages birth to 5 years old
  • an advocate for young children with disabilities
  • a provider of services for young children with disabilities
  • a person with lived disability experience and a passion for inclusion
  • interested in learning more or sharing your knowledge about inclusive options and activities for families of young children with disabilities