We promote health equity for people with disabilities in Pennsylvania.
What is Health Equity?
“Health equity means that everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible. This requires removing obstacles to health such as poverty, discrimination, and their consequences, including powerlessness and lack of access to good jobs with fair pay, quality education and housing, safe environments, and health care.” (RWJF.org)
Inequality means not everyone can get the things they need.
Equality is giving the same help to everyone, even if they need different amounts.
Equity is giving help based on what each person needs, so everyone can get their needs met.
Justice is fixing the way things work so everyone can get what they need.
We define health as the continued practice of wellness rather than the absence of disease.
We work with self-advocates and community partners to do research, provide training and technical assistance, and run programs and services that address the social drivers of health and wellness.
- We use a strengths-based, holistic approach to health that reimagines systems of care.
- We use an intersectional lens and center the lived experience of those most impacted by inequity.
- We uplift Pennsylvania's strong community of advocates.
- We support existing community assets and help ensure their accessibility.
Our Current Areas of Focus
Meet the Health Equity Team
Student Contributors
Special thanks to the Temple University students who work with the Health Equity Team:
- Aidan Campagnolio
- Shawn Aleong
Interested in working with us?
We provide training and education, technical assistance and consultations, research, and other services. Email us to learn more at iod@temple.edu.