Certification Training

The Office of Developmental Programs has contracted with The Institute on Disabilities at Temple University to provide this certification training. This training provides prospective supports brokers with information they need to understand Participant Directed Services and Supports (PDS) and the role the broker plays in helping people be successful with self-directing their services. Guided by principles of self-determination, training participants will gain knowledge and skills necessary to enhance natural supports, support participants with employer related responsibilities, and assist people with program rules and person-centered planning.
This certification program consists of:
Two (2) Day Classroom Training providing the participants with opportunities to expand their knowledge, practice their skills, and engage in activities and discussion related to the role of the supports broker.
After you have attended the classroom certification, you will be granted access to the final test found on your session page. You will receive an ODP Supports Broker Certification with a passing score of 80% or better.
Considerations for the Virtual Classroom
- You must be a Pennsylvania resident or live in a contiguous state to attend this certification.
- Additionally, registrants should be planning to work as a certified supports broker in Pennsylvania. This certification is not intended for people who simply "want to learn" about supports brokering.
- You must have a computer or tablet and internet connection to participate. We will not admit users connecting via cell phone or landline only.
- You must attend and participate in BOTH virtual sessions, with video on, for their entirety in order to get access to the final exam.
- Due to the virtual classroom format, the material will be provided over a 2-day span. Lunch and comfort breaks will be built into the schedule each day. Attendance and participation BOTH days is required.
- Registrants should familiarize themselves with Zoom prior to the first day of class. You will be sent a password protected Zoom link* and classroom documents via email no later than 24 hours prior to the first day of class.
* When you register, you are agreeing that you will NOT share this link or password with anyone else. - Registrants should block out time to attend class just as you would if class were being held in person. Please plan to be in a quiet location with minimal distractions.
Two-Day Training Virtual Class Schedule
When (register for only one of these dates):
- October 16-17, 2024
- December 2-3, 2024
- January 16-17, 2025
All dates are subject to change.
Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily unless otherwise noted
Location: Online from your home or office
Audience: People planning to work as a certified Supports Broker in Pennsylvania
If you are interested in adding your name to our “interest list” for an upcoming initial certification, please email [click-for-email] Please include your name, email, phone number, county of residence, and name of any supports brokerage you are or plan to be affiliated with.
Topics Include
- Principles of Self-Determination & Participant-Directed Supports
- The Role of the Supports Broker & Collaborative Partnerships
- Developing Community Connections, Relationships, and Natural Supports
- Person-Centered Thinking and Planning
- Participant-Directed Supports
- Documentation Requirements
- Reportable Incidents - Protection from Abuse and Neglect
- Employer Responsibilities and Basic Employment Law
Questions and Accommodations Requests
If you have any questions regarding the classroom certification registration or need to request reasonable accommodations (at least two weeks advance notice required), please email Denise Beckett: [click-for-email].