Tools for Personal Emergency Preparedness

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My Emergency Readiness Plan - PA

My Emergency Readiness Plan - PA is an interactive form designed to help people with disabilities create personal plans to prepare themselves, their families and their supports for emergencies.
Download My Emergency Readiness Plan - PA PDF, 1.65 MB

Communication Aids

The Institute on Disabilities offers communication aids to be used by people with communication disabilities and by people who do not speak English during an emergency. 

Designed for people with disabilities as well as emergency shelter workers and first responders, these aids can be downloaded at no cost.
More about the Emergency Communication for All Aids

Webinars about Personal Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities Emergencies can happen at a moment's notice and during a disaster or an emergency situation, people with disabilities may need additional assistance to obtain the services they need. Planning ahead is required to protect yourself and your family when emergencies occur. This webinar addresses common terminology used during an emergency situation, how to prepare for emergencies, including how to build a personal emergency go-kit, and resources for alert services frequently used to notify of emergency situations. 

Presented by Jamie Arasz Prioli and supported by a grant from the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council. Recorded in 2016.
Watch: Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities

Are You Ready? Emergency Preparedness for Individuals with Disabilities. Watch a recorded webinar on strategies in preparing individuals who have a variety of needs (including access and functional) for disasters and emergencies. The webinar also discusses the role of assistive technology (AT) reuse and special considerations for AT users. 

Presented by Jamie Arasz Prioli, RESNA ATP, Assistive Technology Specialist Reused and Exchanged Equipment Partnership Coordinator (REEP), Institute on Disabilities. This webinar was part of a project funded by the Mid-Atlantic ADA Center, one of ten regional centers funded by the National Institute on Disability Rehabilitation and Research (NIDRR), the US Department of Education (Grant #H133A110017), to provide information, guidance and training on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Recorded in 2014.
Watch: Are You Ready

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