event logo with text, We Are the Stories We Tell Ourselves

About this year's theme

This year's theme celebrates all of us. Not what is said about us, but what we say about ourselves, to ourselves!

Our speakers will explore the nature of storytelling, how to harness the healing effects—providing sanctuary to the self, and what happens to stories as they encounter mass/social media which can feel like a proxy for the infinite world.

About the Disability and Change Symposium

The stated goal of the annual Symposium is "to create conversation that transcends any one-dimensional depiction of people with disabilities, and foregrounds the multidimensional lives of our speakers - as writers, educators, performers, and advocates." The annual Disability and Change Symposium focuses on cultural equity and disability—with a view to the past, present, and future.

This year's Symposium format includes both a live webinar accompanied by an online mini-course which will include a recording and transcript of the webinar. The Disability and Change Symposium is free and available to the public. Accessibility features include live CART transcription along with ASL interpretation.


Organized by the Institute on Disabilities at Temple University, the Symposium is an outcome of collaboration with the Interdisciplinary Faculty Council on Disability whose mission is "to foster collaboration across Temple University on disability-related projects including research, teaching, programming, publication, and grant-seeking. By connecting with one another, Council members help build community among the growing number of people at Temple whose work engages with disability."

Core funding for the Disability and Change Symposium is through a grant from the Center for the Humanities at Temple University (CHAT).

We extend our appreciation to Disability Resources and Services for providing Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) and American Sign Language services.

The Institute on Disabilities, Temple University College of Education is pleased to recognize some of our 2021 Symposium Partners/Sponsors from Temple University:

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