Mail-in Ballots – Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What if my disability prevents me from voting in-person?
A: You can still vote! You don’t have to physically go to a polling location to exercise your right to vote.
Q: How else can I vote?
A: You can vote by mail or by absentee ballot.
Q: What do I need to do to cast a mail-in or absentee ballot?
A: Once you are registered to vote, you can apply for either a mail-in ballot or absentee ballot online.1 To apply online, you will need a PennDOT ID or Driver’s License.
Q: What if I don’t have these forms of ID?
A: You can use the last four digits of your social security number to submit an online application. Alternatively, you may download, print, and complete the application and send it to your County Board of Elections. If you do not have access to a printer, you can request a paper application be mailed to you.
Q: Do I need a specific reason to request a mail-in or absentee ballot?
A: For mail-in ballots, any Pennsylvania citizen can request one without a reason. Absentee ballots, however, can only be cast if you anticipate you will be out of the municipality on election day or have a temporary or permanent disability. Learn more about absentee ballots on our separate FAQ sheet.
Q: Once I complete my mail-in ballot request, where do I send it?
A: It can either be submitted online, by mail, or in person to your County Elections Office.
Q: Do I have to request a mail-in ballot for every election?
A: No, there is a section on the application form for annual mail-in ballot requests. Once approved, you will receive mail ballots for all elections that occur in the remainder of the application year. You will also receive annual applications via mail for mail-in ballots, so you can easily renew your request to continue voting by mail.2
Q: Can someone else deliver my ballot for me?
A: Under Pennsylvania law, voters are required to return their own ballots, with exception for voters with disabilities or emergency absentee ballots.
Q: What if I need help delivering my mail-in or absentee ballot?
A: You can designate an agent to deliver your ballot materials for you with this form. You can designate an agent either before or after you have requested either ballot, but it is recommended that you designate an agent before submitting your ballot requests, as you may have to contact your county election officials if you wish to request an agent after submitting. Either way, the agent will need to keep a copy of the above form with them when delivering your materials.3
Q: What is the deadline for delivering mail-in or absentee ballots?
A: They both must be received by the County Board of Elections before 8 p.m. on Election Day.