About Leadership & Career Studies
Leadership & Career Studies (L&CS) at Temple University is a four-year certificate program for young adults with intellectual disability or intellectual disability and autism. It offers an authentic college experience while developing our students' academic abilities, career aspirations, community engagement, and self-determination.
All L&CS students...
- Take academic courses and explore college life
- Use the Charting the LifeCourse model, including Person-Centered Planning to explore their interests, plan for the future, and imagine what supports they need to help them live their best life
- Complete employment experiences based on goals and interests
- Participate in Temple's activities, events, and organizations
- Match with peer mentors who are matriculated Temple students
Admission Guidelines: Students must...
- Have intellectual disability or intellectual disability and autism as documented through the Office of Intellectual Disabilities in the county where the student lives
- Be registered with the Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
- Be age 18 to 26 when they start the program
- Be able to pay for classes through service funds or privately
- Have transportation to Temple's campus
- Be available to attend day and evening classes
- Be available to spend 10 hours per week engaging in college life with peer mentors
How much does it cost?
This, and more information can be found on the Think College website.
What funding supports are available?
- The Pennsylvania Inclusive Higher Education Consortium (PIHEC) offers a helpful overview of options to pay for inclusive postsecondary education.
- Temple University is able to offer federal financial aid for students in Leadership & Career Studies, a Comprehensive Transition Program (CTP).
- Students on an eligible Medicaid Home and Community-Based Waiver may be able to cover tuition and fees and peer support costs as education support services. Students and families can work with their supports coordinator to discuss how education support services may fit into their service plan.
- Students eligible for supports from the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) may be able to fund services within L&CS in their individualized plan for employment. This PIHEC resource includes detailed guidance.
What courses do L&CS students take?
Students are required to take 12 electives and four core courses:
- Interpersonal Communication
- Leadership and Communications
- Introduction to Special Education
- Understanding Urban Communities
What credential do students earn?
Students earn a certificate of completion.
Does L&CS offer housing through Temple University?
Currently, L&CS does not have a residential component. Students may live near campus in non-Temple housing.
The L&CS Student and Family Newsletter is emailed to students and families four times per semester. It contains program news, opportunities, and some fun photos featuring our students.