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Gun Violence by Durand Delgado

Gun Violence is the hardest conversation that we have today in United States of America especially in our city of Philadelphia.

In 2020, we lost 499 people as a result of Gun Violence.  Philadelphia has had an increase of 40% from 2019. Jennifer Arbittier Williams, Acting United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, said this in a statement “the city is on a pace to surpass 600 shooting deaths in 2021.’’ Williams said “it is a horrible milestone.”  

I had the pleasure of interviewing my neighbors in the Kensington and Allegheny area to ask their opinion on this topic.  

  • My neighbor Kandy Moreno said this in a statement to elaborate to this question “It’s bad now because it’s hurting a lot of young people for no reason, losing a lot family and friends, trauma and affects the community and unsafe for our elderly.”   
  • Stephany Mendez wants to see an end to gun violence. She believes that people don’t think about the consequences of their actions when they engage in violence and shooting.
  • Kathleen Harvey said gun violence is horrible and despicable. As a parent of 3 sons, 1 being a teenager, gun violence is shocking and fearful.
  • Cindy Mendez has served as a block captain for some years. Cindy talked about inappropriate licensing of guns and the importance of mental health checks before a person is permitted to buy a gun.

 In Temple University Hospital, a Trauma Outreach Coordinator Scott Charles, MAPP, has worked with 8000 people since 2006 who are victims of gun related violence, including critical condition patients. Mr. Charles has 2 organizations Cradle to Grave, and Turning Point. Cradle to Grave is a hospital-based violence prevention program that helps young adults & teenagers that looks behind the scenes of the effects physically, emotionally, and social realities. Mr. Charles said that many conflicts occur on social media which has led to a huge increase with the gun violence.   

 Again, our city name has been “Brotherly Love.”  With all people respecting and cooperating more, we can only hope for the best.  Band Aids don’t fix bullets holes - it really does not.

The reason why I say Band Aids doesn’t fix bullet holes is because it really affects us emotionally, physically and mentally, also once you make the biggest mistake of your life you can’t fix it or take it back. In conclusion my opinion on Gun Violence is very horrific and ignorant, and my wish is that all citizens of the United States of America can put the guns up for once!