Tools help people.
TechOWL finds tools and technology for people across Pennsylvania.
- Lending Library - See what items will work best for you.
- Free Special Phones - If you have difficulty hearing, talking, seeing, thinking or moving.
- Used Equipment - Donate or get free devices.
- Information and Assistance - Call, email or chat online.
- Emergency Plans - In case of a disaster.
- Get a Demonstration - Try a variety of different devices.
- Affordable Assistive Technology - Help paying for what you need.
- iCanConnectPA - Communication access if you have both hearing and vision loss.
- Testing and Recommendations - To match your needs with tools and technology.
- Training - Wide range of topics for your class or organization.
- Get Something Made - 3D printed and custom devices.
- Connect with Tech - Free tablets to help you stay connected to healthcare.
Social media: @TechOWLpa
Phone: 800-204-7428
Email: [click-for-email]
Technology for Our Whole Lives (TechOWL) at the Institute on Disabilities