What is a Supports Broker?
A Supports Broker provides a waiver-funded service available to people who are using the person-and family-directed, community living or consolidated waivers in Pennsylvania AND choose to self-direct one or more of their waiver-funded services and supports.
A Supports Broker may assist a waiver participant, common law or managing employer:
- with employment related functions
- in ensuring compliance with waiver program rules
- in enhancing natural, unpaid supports that relate to self-direction
A Supports Broker in Pennsylvania is a professional who must be certified and complete a re-certification every three years. Pennsylvania supports brokers must also comply with the "Supports Broker standards" and "Supports Broker attestation" required by the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP).
People with disabilities and families do not have to be on their own when it comes to participant-direction. People may choose to hire a Supports Coordinators. Supports Coordinators should have a list of approved support brokerage agencies in your area, or you may opt to hire an SSP who is certified and qualified to provide the supports broker service.
Supports Brokers work collaboratively with the person, family, Supports Coordinator, and other members of the Individual Support Plan (ISP) team and may help with:
Recruiting and hiring SSPs
Expanding and coordinating informal, unpaid resources and supports
Facilitating a Circle of Support
Developing and maintaining back-up plans
Enhanced person-centered planning and communicating suggested modifications to the ISP
Common Law Employer or Managing Employer responsibilities
Problem-solving to help achieve outcomes
Compliance with Waiver and PDS standards, regulations, and policies
*A Supports Broker should never take over the responsibilities of Common or Managing Employer.
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