Participant-Directed Supports and Services in Pennsylvania
Aligning with principles of self-determination, participant directed services provide a model whereby people with disabilities have more control over where, when, how, and who provides their supports.
With participant direction, people who live in their own home or the home of a family member or friend are able to hire their own support service professionals (SSP) and conduct many of the employer responsibilities related to this. The person may opt to take the lead with these tasks or select a surrogate to perform these employer responsibilities.
Supports Brokers
People with disabilities and families do not have to be on their own when it comes to participant-direction. People may choose to hire a Support. Supports Coordinators should have a list of approved support brokerage agencies in your area, or you may opt to hire an SSP who is certified and qualified to provide the supports broker service.
Supports Brokers work collaboratively with the person, family, Supports Coordinator, and other members of the Individual Support Plan (ISP) team and may help with:
• Recruiting and hiring SSPs
• Expanding and coordinating informal, unpaid resources and supports
• Facilitating a Circle of Support
• Developing and maintaining back-up plans
• Enhanced person-centered planning and communicating suggested modifications to the ISP
• Common Law Employer or Managing Employer responsibilities
• Problem-solving to help achieve outcomes
• Compliance with Waiver and PDS standards, regulations, and policies
*A Supports Broker should never take over the responsibilities of Common or Managing Employer.
Financial Management Services Models
Participant Directed Services (PDS) Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent (VF/EA) | Agency with Choice (AWC)
Once a person decides to use participant directed services, they will need to choose the Financial Management Service (FMS) model used to employ SSPs. The Office of
Developmental Programs (ODP) offers two options: Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent (VF/EA) or Agency with Choice (AWC).
There are differences between the two models and it is important that people choose the one that will best meet their needs. The following table describes some of the
differences between the two FMS models.