Pennsylvania Tech Accelerator Webinar Archive

Watch recorded webinars from the Pennsylvania Tech Accelerator. The sessions delve into what assistive technology is available and where to find it. Find insights into ways that assistive technology can change lives by increasing access to employment, social interaction, and everyday life.

The recordings include text captions, ASL interpretation, and transcripts.

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Made Possible by...

This project is made possible by Pennsylvania's Department Human Services through funding from the American Rescue Plan Act.

Circular Pennsylvania Tech Accelerator logo curvy lines referencing circuit board elements similar to furrows in a plowed farm field, that wind a path through green space and converge as an arrow near a horizon arc, pointing to a rising sun in blue sky
Logos of partner organizations: PA Department of Human Services Office of Developmental Programs and Office of Long Term Living, Institute on Disabilities at Temple University College of Education and Human Development, University of Kansas Center on Disabilities, and State of the States in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities