
HCBS: Living MY Life, My Way

Choices Made Possible by HCBS

The photographs in this collection feature people with disabilities across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Each is living the life they choose. They go where they want and do what they need to do – work, volunteer, socialize – on their own terms.

These life choices are made possible, in part, by HCBS: Home and Community-Based Services.

Empowering Pennsylvanians with Supports and Services

HCBS in Pennsylvania provides supports and services that empower a person to live in the community of their choice rather than living in a nursing home, state intellectual disability center, or other congregate care setting. Supports and services could include:

  • an assistant to help with personal care,
  • community participation support,
  • supported employment services, and more.

Real Examples of Independent Lives

As people with disabilities living independent lives, the people photographed here serve as real examples of the need for, and successful use of, home and community-based services. Each person is, in their own way, contributing to the larger community.

It's important to take a moment to recognize that it is home and community-based services which allow our neighbors to have the same life choices we all want and enjoy. Enjoy the photographs!

Cindy, Ford City

"I wouldn't be able to live the life I lead..." Cindy's Profile

Cindy holding her dog on her lap outside her house where US flag flies on a railing

Cindy with her dog at home in Ford City

LaToya, Philadelphia

"HCBS helps make the life I want possible..." LaToya's Profile

Close-up portrait of LaToya, who smiles, eyes sparkling

LaToya smiles for a portrait in Philadelphia

Mark, Allegheny County

"With my supports, I have a choice..." Mark's Profile

Close-up of Mark outdoors wearing a rainbow face mask with his AAC device in view and a tall building beyond

Mark near University of Pittsburgh's Cathedral of Learning

Domonique, Philadelphia

"...allows me to be as independent as possible..." Domonique's Profile

Domonique gazes out the window of a public transit bus, smiling slightly, while perched in her power wheelchair in the accessible area at the front of the bus.

Domonique uses public transit in Philadelpia

Josie, Lawrence County

"Family is the most essential part..." Josie's Profile

Josie with a man outdoors, holding small dogs in their laps

Josie at home with a companion, both holding dogs

Rodney, Philadelphia

"...we can live independently with the services that we need..." Rodney's Profile

Rodney, a Black man using a wheelchair, laughs with another shopper in Reading Terminal Market

Rodney laughs with another shopper at Reading Terminal Market in Philadelphia


This project is supported by a grant from the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council; in part by grant #1901PASCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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