Pennsylvania Technology Summit

A day of discovery and innovation around technology for independence, accessibility, virtual, and remote solutions.

About the Pennsylvania Tech Accelerator

The Institute on Disabilities at Temple University, College of Education and Human Development is partnering with the Pennsylvania Office of Developmental Programs and Office of Long-Term Living, Department of Human Services, and the University of Kansas Center on Disabilities' State of the States team on a statewide initiative called PA Tech Accelerator.  

The goal of the program is to expand the awareness of, and access to, assistive technology (AT), to build capacity of AT users and to measure effectiveness around AT use, access and service across the Commonwealth.

PA Tech Accelerator Webinar Series

Presented by staff of TechOWL, a program of the Institute on Disabilities, a series of webinars about how assistive technology can change lives by increasing access to employment, social interaction, and everyday life.

Topics include:

  • What assistive technology is available
  • How assistive technology can help with daily living
  • Where to find assistive technology

Current Series: Remote Supports

Offered on Thursdays. Attend at 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. or 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Remote Supports Topics

Next Series: Tools for Specific Needs for Employment, Independence, and Socialization

Webinars presented June through September, 2025 will cover tools for hearing, tools for vision, tools for reading, and alternate access and switches.

Recorded Webinars

Webinar recordings with captions, ASL, and transcript are available below.

Series 1: Assistive Technology Essentials

Series 2: Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Series 3: Remote Supports

  • Coming soon: Home Automation for Being Self Sufficient recorded February 2025

Overview of PA Tech Accelerator Activities

Training and Resources about Technology Solutions

Conduct a series of trainings and deliver resources to build capacity to stakeholders and across County Behavioral Health/ID and Autism Offices and Community Health Choices Managed Care Organization.

Develop Readiness Evaluation and Tools for Providers

Development of a readiness evaluation for the successful adoption of remote supports and assistive technology solutions by Pennsylvania disability provider agencies.

Advance Technology First Statewide Assessment and Planning

Development of a Technology First Systems Change state plan through benchmarking and evaluation.

Statewide Technology Solutions for Provider Assessment

Survey of approximately 2,000 providers on technology awareness, planning, implementation, and training resources.

Enhance Technology Resources for Stakeholders

Sustainability evaluation of TechOWL’s CATS - Consider Assistive Technology Solutions & DOGS- Devices Offering Great Solutions online tools.

Develop technology first policies alongside technology champions

Engage a group of Technology Champions to participate in the modernization and harmonization of statewide technology-related policies.

Technology Summits

Technology summits in the Spring of 2025, to be held in Philadelphia and in Pittsburgh, will bring together project partners, people with disabilities, family members and, support and other professionals to increase awareness of current and emerging technology solutions.

Circular Pennsylvania Tech Accelerator logo curvy lines referencing circuit board elements similar to furrows in a plowed farm field, that wind a path through green space and converge as an arrow near a horizon arc, pointing to a rising sun in blue sky

Made Possible by...

This project is made possible by Pennsylvania's Department Human Services through funding from the American Rescue Plan Act.

Logos of partner organizations: PA Department of Human Services Office of Developmental Programs and Office of Long Term Living, Institute on Disabilities at Temple University College of Education and Human Development, University of Kansas Center on Disabilities, and State of the States in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

For more information, please contact
